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Fig. 2 | Hereditas

Fig. 2

From: Comparative analysis of the genetic variability within the Q-type C2H2 zinc-finger transcription factors in the economically important cabbage, canola and Chinese cabbage genomes

Fig. 2

Comparison of ZFP proteins on diploid Brassica species and the polyploid Brassica napus. Chromosomes of Brassica rapa in dark gray (BrZFP) Brassica oleracea in dark blue (BoZFP) to Brassica napus with the A genome in light gray (BnaAZFP) and C genome in light blue (BnaCZFP). BnaAZFP36, 37 and 38 are unmapped. Within the 35 BnaAZFP mapped genes, 83% (29) map to similar positions as BrZFP genes. Of the 38 BnaAZFP proteins 84% (32) have 97–100% (red) identity and 3 have 93–96% (purple). The final 3 proteins (black) have 81% (BnaAZFP9), 56% (BnaAZFP21) and 85% (BnaAZFP34) identity to the Br homolog. Generally, the BoZFP and the BnaCZFP genes map to the same location on the chromosome with either 96–100% (red) or 93–95% (purple) identity. BoZFP20 and BoZFP32 have homologous proteins that are currently unmapped in the B. napus genome (BnaCZFP32 and BnaCZFP33), while BoZFP4 and BoZFP8 (black) have no homolog in the B. napus genome. BoZFP36 and BoZFP37 (black) are currently unmapped on the B. oleracea genome and they are homologous to BnaCZFP34 and BnaCZFP35, which are also unmapped. BoZFP7 (black) is a homolog and maps to a B. napus gene that contains only a portion of the ORF

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