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Fig. 5 | Hereditas

Fig. 5

From: Comprehensive analysis revealed the immunoinflammatory targets of rheumatoid arthritis based on intestinal flora, miRNA, transcription factors, and RNA-binding proteins databases, GSEA and GSVA pathway observations, and immunoinfiltration typing

Fig. 5

Differentially expressed genes targeted by RA (DERATGs) functional correlation evaluation. A DERATGs’ Gene Ontology (GO) biological function enrichment evaluation. The X-axis represents the enrichment of DERATG in GO entries, and the color of the dots represents the adjusted P-value: redder is displayed when the adjusted P-value is lower, and bluer is displayed when the adjusted P-value is higher. The size of the dots serves as a proxy for the number of enriched genes. B, C Exhibition of DERATGs GO biological function enrichment. D DERATGs’ KEGG pathway enrichment study. The size of the dots indicates the number of enriched genes. E, F DERATGs KEGG biological function enrichment exhibition. G DERATGs’ enrichment study using Disease Ontology (DO). The x-axis represents the percentage of DERATGs enriched in the disease team, the y-axis displays the names of the enrichment diseases, and the dot color indicates the adjusted P-value: a lower adjusted P-value corresponds to red color, and a higher adjusted P-value corresponds to blue color. The size of the dots serves as a proxy for the number of enriched genes. H, I DERATGs DO enrichment exhibition

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