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Fig. 4 | Hereditas

Fig. 4

From: Enhancer-driven transcription of MCM8 by E2F4 promotes ATR pathway activation and glioma stem cell characteristics

Fig. 4

Prediction and clinical characterization of transcription factors regulating enhancer-controlled genes associated with ATR pathway activation. A Potential transcription factors for the genes LIN9, MCM8, CEP72, POLA1, DBF4, NDE1 and CDKN2C were ranked by the GIGGLE scores. B/C Overall survival of all WHO grades primary and recurrent glioma patients was analyzed based on the expression of E2F4 (B) and TFDP1 (C), which were identified as the potential transcription factors. Patients were grouped into high and low groups according to the median expression levels. The data were obtained from the Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA) database. D Differential analysis of E2F4 was performed in different WHO glioma grades. Statistical significance was analyzed using one-way analysis of variance. E The expression of E2F4 was analyzed using qRT-PCR in hNSCs, GSC-A172 and GSC-U138MG cells. **P-value < 0.01 by Student’s t-test, vs. hNSCs

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