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Fig. 4 | Hereditas

Fig. 4

From: The reversal of human phylogeny: Homo left Africa as erectus, came back as sapiens sapiens

Fig. 4

An overview of Chinese palaeontological and archaeological sites related to Hs evolution. The Palaeolithic locality at Shangchen (violet) spans the period from 2,12 to 1,26 MYBP. The Yunxian and Zhoukoudian samplings overlap temporally the divergence into H. antecessor and H. sapiens ≈ 850,000 and Hss and Hsn ≈ 800,000 YBP, making room for that the two lineages arose from a common Eurasian population of H. erectus. The blue section shows more recent Hss positions allowing for admixing with Hsn(Hsnn + Hsnd). The same section covers the interval preceding the divergence between Eurasians and Mbuti/San ≈ 250,000 YBP. The Hualongdong fossils [70], discussed in the text, constitute a part of the blue section. The figure has been adapted and extended from Fig. 10 [56], by permission of the authors

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