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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of gout, HUA and normouricemic control dataset

From: Common variants in the SLC28A2 gene are associated with serum uric acid level and hyperuricemia and gout in Han Chinese





Age (year)

49.72 ± 13.28

49.75 ± 15.45

57.58 ± 14.36

Age of gout onset (year)

44.00 ± 12.91

SUA (μmol/L)

465.13 ± 115.00

475.55 ± 56.06

284.17 ± 52.05

Tophus (%)

21.70% (199/1116)

Kidney stones (%)

17.7% (178/1007)

Hypertension (%)

38.1% (458/1201)

72.4% (218/301)

24.8% (75/303)

Diabetes (%)

7.9% (96/1215)

25% (32/128)

14.5% (44/303)

Coronary heart disease (%)

7.6% (91/1201)

38.8% (59/152)

12.6% (37/294)

Hyperlipidemia (%)

28.5% (126/442)

78.7% (74/94)

  1. Age, age of gout onset and SUA value are continuous variables and are expressed by mean ± standard deviation (SD). Comorbidities including tophus, kidney stones, hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease and hyperlipidemia are categorical variables and are expressed by percentages. Since lots of samples were not recorded with these comorbidities, we presented the specific numbers of the recorded in brackets and did not perform statistical analysis. - denotes not acquired