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Fig. 6 | Hereditas

Fig. 6

From: The homeodomain transcription factor Orthopedia is involved in development of the Drosophila hindgut

Fig. 6

The otp hindgut phenotype. Whole mount in situ hybridisation of otp (a, d), hh (b, e) and dri (c, f) mRNA in stage 14 wild-type (a-c) and otp1024 mutant embryos (D-F); the probes are indicated on the right, the genotypes of the embryos on the left. In all views, anterior is to the left, all views are lateral views. Compared to wild-type embryos (a), the large intestine is almost completely missing in otp1024 embryos (black arrowhead), and only expression in the rectum and anal pads is visible using an otp probe (d). The expression of hh in the small intestine and rectum seen in wild-type embryos (b) is closer together in otp1024 mutant embryos (black arrowhead) due to the missing large intestine (e). From the expression of dri in the border cells and the boundaries between large intestine/small intestine and small intestine/midgut (c) only the small intestine/midgut expression is left, the other expression domains are missing (f; black arrowheads). AP, anal pads; BC, boundary cells; LI, large intestine; MG, midgut; RE, rectum; SI, small intestine; dri, dead ringer; hh, hedgehog; otp, orthopedia

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